Daily Archives: November 1, 2014

‘Knowing’ !

After receiving a YouTube Your Emotion Matters from Eve, I realised why spirit had been niggling me to post a topic that may rock a few boats. I realise all paths are right regardless of the journey. Their purpose is to help that individual understand and gain the wisdom to realise that unconditional love that is the reason for our journey. So the following is in reply to that video and it will be more understandable after viewing it. It’s only a 10 min chat. if you wish to do that now, just click on the link above. Then continue under here. Thanks! 🙂


I don’t know what the final destination of what he says will do, but as it currently stands it will still take an individual to understand within themselves to find that true connection that brings that enlightenment and awareness of the unconditional love that is our destination. Maybe one day they will find it, and measure it, but it will still never achieve the connection that must be done from within.

Our journey is so perfectly balanced that all that we do comes together to achieve that end. We can have the process ‘discovered’ and taught to us, and that can have advantages, but it must always be experienced to understand it and achieve what is needed to realise that end.

I suppose what I’m trying to say is…to help our journey science may assist in that process…but what purpose does it to reinvent the wheel…AND…it would never gain the perfection that is already in place to attain that unconditional love. He is totally correct in the power we have within, that ability to understand and have control of our course in life by the power of those emotions and attitudes with integrity, and their use in our lives, but the final outcome is when we have felt and understood the lowest to the highest in our lives so that we can achieve that one thing that it always teaches…and that is the ability to discern those differences and realise the truth of the love within our journey. All elements of our lives have an emotional content, something that we hold within us as we go through the many things in our lives. These are finally tempered with the wisdom that we attain by going through these multitudes of life experiences.

Until eventually we begin to realise that underlying power within us, and slowly integrate that beauty we begin to discover as we go through our lives. We learn that we put out into this world comes back to perfect our journey so we begin to ‘see’ the love that is involved in everything that we do. We learn from our hearts the beauty of a hug or being pushed away, an act of kindness or deceit. This universe and all that is in it, has been so perfectly balanced so that we learn all the emotions that bring us to the destination of our hearts. And in everything that we do on this planet, the one and only thing that we achieve, and take with us when we let go of this world, is the love and the wisdom we have achieved in our journey.

Now I’m going to really throw a spanner in the works here. Spirit spoke to me and said, ‘we know EVERYTHING, but do not ‘know’ it’. I was stunned. All the spiritual books (that I’ve read anyway), all say that the spirit (or whatever name you wish to put in here), knows everything there is to know. But this is where spirit explained to me, and I’ve quoted before…

“I can tell you to not stick your hand into the fire but it is not until you actually do get burnt that you really truly understand and ‘know’ what is meant by it, and gain that wisdom. We as spirit, and all connected, know everything, but do not ‘KNOW’ it. That is why we are here, to experience and know all of those infinite number of things that lead to the many emotional experiences….that ALL lead to that final understanding of unconditional love. Of what purpose would it be to come here if we DID ‘KNOW’ EVERYTHING. We would all be acting in a play, on a grand scale, but have no purpose. It would achieve nothing”.

It felt so simple, but all things of the spirit are. And felt so heartfelt and, dare I say it…logical, to not be a truth. It didn’t feel wrong but because of all that I had learnt up to this point, it shocked me. But eventually I gradually realised that was why I could feel within everyone a heartfelt yearning to be that love. It drives everything that we do. Ask anyone the question, ‘what do you want out of life?’, and nearly all will say to just be happy, which nearly always entails to love and be loved in return.

Now spirit did not say this next bit, but I felt from the previous conversation that all of our journeys must be for an ongoing creation. An continuation of the infinite probabilities that could occur just on our planet with the billions that have, are and will be a part of humanity, contributing to that infinite source that is God. Like everything about our lives, it is always in motion, a constant change that also reflects exactly how the universe is constantly evolving. Never to be the same one moment to the next.

Anyway, that’s my understanding, and as I said in the beginning, there are many paths and these I see in the many, and they all lead home, not that we aren’t already a part of that by the connection that is within us all. I hope what I say has meaning, and at the least, an understanding of that journey that is our lives on this beautiful, big blue planet. Namaste