The Waters of Life!

Life and all its hardships, the rivers we do dare
Traveling dangerous waters, captaining its glare
The mastering of the winds, the swells of our pride
The holding of our tiller, for there is nowhere else to hide
But if I could but show, the beauty that dwells within
The reality in this path, built from where we’ve been
We see so much in our wake, but only through our fear
All the while on lookout, glancing to the rear
So grab that tiller firmer, know through this gale we go
That the sails of this journey, need this truth to blow
Find the hearts compass, point it as a guide
Hold it with gratitude, for in there you know you’ve tried
So seek out all your glory, venture to every port above
For within that travel far and wide, is a journey full of love

Happy New Year everyone, may it be full of adventure, beautiful waters and much love! ❤


87 thoughts on “The Waters of Life!

    1. Mark Lanesbury Post author

      Thank you kindly Maria. The words of that particular poem came to me in ‘one of those moments’ when they all fell into place. I think an outcome of where I was at, at the time. But isn’t that what artists do, in whatever form that takes, to share their hearts from wherever their journey has taken them? 😀
      And like what I have read on your site, your words come from a depth that takes much journeying to be able to ‘see’ what is truly there ❤
      Thank you for sharing 😀


  1. samba2017

    I enjoyed the take your life by the helm attitude of this poem. Thanks for sharing! I have a poetry blog here on WordPress in case you have time to look? Today’s poem is about clarity and relates to water.

    Liked by 1 person

          1. tlohuis

            You’re certainly welcome, Sir Markster:) LOL I always call you everything, but Mark. I almost forgot your real name for a minute. LMAO………………..Lord!!!

            Liked by 1 person

          2. tlohuis

            LOL……only my very favs get nicknames, and then there’s those at the very top of the ladder that get many…….lol lol 🙂 You’re Privileged Your Royalness!!!!!!:)

            Liked by 1 person

  2. Sue Dreamwalker

    Just dropping in again here Mark to say a big thank you for your continued support.. I hope that all is well in your world.. Sending thoughts your way as I hope the weather is cooling down a little
    Love and Blessings Sue xxx ❤


    1. Mark Lanesbury Post author

      Hi Sue, and thank you for your thoughts. All is well, we are even getting some rain at the moment which has been a little thin over summer. My nights are cooling which is also much better for sleeping, (except for a wild thunderstorm last night 😀 ),which means you guys over there are beginning to warm up, touch that spring burst of growth to celebrate the start of your summer. Enjoy! 😀
      Love and blessings to you and yours as well Sue, and thank you again for your care kind lady 😀 xo ❤

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Sue Dreamwalker

        Glad you got a drop or two of rain.. Much needed I am sure.. And so good to know all is well down under.. And yes the weather warms up then cools down.. We has sleet showers this morning. it can’t quite make up its mind.. 🙂
        Take care Mark..
        Sue 🙂 ❤



    Beautiful! Simply beautiful! I particularly loved the last two lines, “from within that travel,far and wide, is a journey full of love” And since you have rhymed love with above, is sounds even more beautiful!


    1. Mark Lanesbury Post author

      Thank you Carolina, your words are always gratefully received kind lady 😀
      I am well, and I have no doubt that this year will be well traveled…beauty is in the eyes that see…and hopefully my eyes are open, like yours my friend 😀
      Thank you for sharing your joy ❤

      Liked by 1 person

    1. Mark Lanesbury Post author

      Thank you very much Sue, and yes, I do think there is something bubbling under the surface. I shall allow it to finish in its whirlpool, clear the water and see what it has left me, washed up on the shore 😀
      You have a lovely weekend also, may it be clear of whirlpools at least 😀 Thank you for sharing my friend, it is always good to hear your voice ❤

      Liked by 1 person

  4. E.D.

    wishing you all the best Mark for 1017. I hope you will blog on – one of the few left from a while back. (I see fewer and fewer blogs from a year or to ago.) I do enjoy your presence. Eve

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Mark Lanesbury Post author

      Thank you Eve, for your blessings and wishes for the future. I have seen some leave, some take a break, and some have seen another light 😀
      But most of all, I hope we all see our own light, in a journey that only love can see ❤
      Looking forward to sharing more of you Eve, another light in the darkness to guide us onward 😀


  5. mary

    hands on the tiller…heart set to guide I like that, spoken from a true gardener of the soul 🙂
    Hope your New Years was every thing you wished it to be And More of what is yet to Be….
    Good to see you Mark…Thank you for stopping by
    Take Care…You Matter

    Liked by 2 people

      1. mary

        a hug across the pond to you 🙂
        and You’re always Welcome ..
        Hope your week is going well
        we’re in lots of water these days…stranger than normal Winter for Texas…
        Have a great day/night
        Take Care…You Matter

        Liked by 1 person

        1. Mark Lanesbury Post author

          Thank you my friend, these are unusual times. Our temperatures are a lovely 100F at the moment, makes the water out the front of my place very inviting 🙂
          Many hugs to you also mary, as we swim through our waters of life to find those cool spots, and float along with the tide. May your tides be gentle, and the water clear kind lady 😀


  6. AmyRose🌹

    Beautifully written!! Oh this is stupendous as I hung onto every word then stopped to think and amazement grew. What a masterpiece, Mark! Par excellent!! You thrill my spirit with this post. Thank you so much for this your Gift! ❤

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Mark Lanesbury Post author

      Thank you Amy. As it came through it just flowed, a little like your ‘just so’ magnificent places for photography. It is then that that beautiful energy envelopes us to really connect within and touch our ‘creator’.
      Thank you for sharing that love my friend, it is a blessing to connect on that level 😀

      Liked by 1 person

      1. AmyRose🌹

        I’ve really been thinking about what you do and now I understand the source of my amazement. You paint pictures with your words allowing the imagination a delicious palette 🎨 from which you have exquisitely prosed in delight and wonder. What a Gift you have! I paint “emotions” with photos and you both paint “emotions” and “pictures” with your words. I’m truly in awe. Yes Yes yes …. when we connect with our Inner Divinity anything is possible. 🙂 ❤

        Liked by 1 person

        1. Mark Lanesbury Post author

          Thank you kind lady, it is a gift to opening within, and most certainly we all do our openings in many beautiful ways. I suppose it is like this because of our abilities and differences Amy. Some learn better by visual, others like to hear, and yet others wish to speak and reiterate to confirm their journey.
          And in your case, you glide like an eagle, soaring over nature and seeing what us mere mortals may miss, eagerly embracing the beauty all around. And in return you show us this bliss in your photo’s and words, forcing us to slow down and really ‘see’ what is all around us, if we but look 😀
          Thank you for that understanding, sharing your heart, and yes, your Divinity is showing…and very beautifully I might add ❤

          Liked by 1 person

    1. Mark Lanesbury Post author

      Thank you kind lady, may your year have much beauty and love, of which I have no doubt after your journey. You are now giving from a very new and beautiful place, which will attract accordingly.
      Much love and blessings to you also. Namaste 😀 ❤

      Liked by 1 person

    1. Mark Lanesbury Post author

      Thank you Val, it is the only tiller we have, so it is important to ‘feel’ its guidance. It takes some getting used to, but eventually we are sailing like champions in our sea of life. Mind you, I still get tipped out of my sailboat occasionally, but it is always done with love 😀
      Thank you for your blessings, may your year be full of life, adventures, and a gentle grip on your tiller 😀 ❤

      Liked by 1 person

  7. MamaMickTerry

    What a beautiful metaphor to contemplate as we head into 2017. I want to personally thank you for your kindness, friendship, and gentle mentor ship. I am eternally grateful that our paths crossed. Happy New Year, Mark!

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Mark Lanesbury Post author

      Thank you kindly Michelle. And I got to play in your many fields of friendship…from the garden to your cook top, your adventures to your family…but most of all, I got to share the journey of your heart. For this I am eternally grateful, for that sharing is a love like no other, thank you. Happy New Year to you and family, may it be one of more adventures with that beautiful journey within 😀 ❤

      Liked by 1 person

    1. Mark Lanesbury Post author

      Thank you for your lovely words kind lady. My journey being blessed by the Bardess of Glascow, I could not wish for more. My year has been blessed by a heart of love and much empathy…within that is a power beyond imagining, and graciously accepted my friend 😀
      I look forward to more of that love within your words Anne-Marie, may your New Year bless you also, to understand your journey, the worth that it builds, and most of all the love that guides your tiller 😀 ❤
      Have a beautiful journey my friend xx

      Liked by 1 person

    1. Mark Lanesbury Post author

      Happy New Year Lori. Thank you for your kind and loving thoughts, your blessings accepted with much gratitude. May your new year be also blessed with understanding, and the love that it shows within 😀 ❤

      Liked by 1 person

  8. Sue Dreamwalker

    Beautifully said dear Mark.. I am holding onto the tiller fast my friend and allowing the currents to guide me as I flow along the stream of life.. 🙂
    Wishing you a joyous and most Happy New Year my friend.. Health, Happiness love and Peace are wished your way..
    Blessings Sue ❤

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Mark Lanesbury Post author

      Thank you Sue. I have no doubt your boat is seaworthy and its captain comes from the heart. May your New Year be blessed with love and light to guide your way, have a great celebration, I look forward to sharing the beginning of another adventure with you 😀 ❤

      Liked by 1 person


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