
Short version:

My search for meaning in life. Going through the ups and downs in life trying to come to terms with that ongoing question that we all have…’is this it?’. And the process I took to finally understand that I’m a package and most of my life I had been playing with the wrapping, not realising that further in was this incredible present just waiting to be held, felt, listened to, understood and integrated into who I was to become. After recognising this part of myself, spirit asked that I put what I had learned somewhere that others may gain from it and help their journey just as I had also been helped to find that present within.

Long version:

This is my first blog even though I’ve been a Web Designer for the last few years. A friend suggested that even though I was thinking of doing a website for my writings, I should at least do a blog. So bear with me as I use what I have understood within and relate it on these pages. Very different from a website but I think can be a lot more personal and with the allowance of comments and replies as such will also I hope help anyone, and myself, on their incredible journey on this big blue planet.

The Story.

It all began a long time ago…yes, it is a fairy tale, all for the simple reason that life seemed to turn upside down and there didn’t seem to be a way out, just like Alice in Wonderland. So I went looking…seriously looking…to find a way out, or at the least understand just what it was we were doing down this rabbit hole.

So, where do I start? The only things that really question our journey is religion or a range of ‘New Age’ things that are becoming more and more prevalent in society as a whole. So I began with religion, or rather my parents did but I soon did the current thing and ‘did a runner’ as it wasn’t very compulsory in our family which gave me a very rudimentary understanding at best. Special occasions like Christmas was about it. Then I absorbed anything out of the usual under the banner of ‘New Age’ to see if anything fit or at least waved a white flag to make me ponder.

The one thing that I did understand and had been happening in my life to this point was that I had this ‘knowing’. It was a little mixed up as I didn’t really understand it fully and life tended to get in the way and so I would take it on board but not use it in any way or be open about it as you would automatically be labelled a freak and probably more to the point, did not have the confidence to step into that ‘truth’. Something to learn and understand later on in life as you slowly find who you really are. So for the moment I accepted that I was getting something from inside, not tuned very well, but an occasional tap on the shoulder that made me realise at least that my guide, spirit, higher self, God was letting me know there was ‘something else’ in this world besides work, bills and not enough sleep on Sunday mornings.

So during this time and upon ‘growing up’ and facing life head on, going through all the bits and pieces expected, like careers, marriage, love, children (2) and all the things in between, I finally reached a moment that led to divorce and the emotional upheaval of adding to that a loss of career, house, friends, family and all those things that life appears to expect us to follow. At the time it was such an incredible, painful and totally ‘mad’ time for all concerned. And even five years after the event I was asked ‘how do I feel now’, and I said ‘ I’m ok’. But the reality is that even another two years after that I looked back and realised I was still wading through a range of differing emotions still trying to find me and just what I wanted out of life. To put it bluntly ‘it’s a big journey’.

After much emotional baggage and stops and starts I finally decided that I needed to slow down and give myself a chance to catch up. All of this time is seriously hampered by that chattering thing up top, masquerading as your mind, that is trying to find a way out or at the very least keep you occupied so that all the fears that have grown over this time are kept dampened down and not on your radar for any length of time.

The first thing I did was give myself time, oodles of it so I could ask myself,  ‘what do I really want out of life?’, ‘just what is it that I truly yearn for and would have meaning for me?’.  At this time I realised that ‘I want it now!’ was the only thing that was happening so I needed to really get serious and STOP…and I mean stop because over those years I saw that all I had been doing was keep myself so distracted or that by doing ‘busy’ I didn’t have to think about the ‘hard stuff’ or ’emotional turmoil’ that was a day to day thing. So I needed to relearn ME!

The first thing I did was, get out of my own way. As in, to hear my guide, spirit, higher self, God, (too many labels so from here I will just say spirit, but be my guest and call it as you wish, it’s your journey too), I needed to be quieter, calmer and allow myself to actually hear spirit. Obviously to do that it becomes clear that I needed to do something like yoga or meditation or anything that I could find that allows me to be in that space. It’s like anything you do, the more you do it the better you become at it. Our ego is a noisy thing and it likes to have its own way because that is what it has been taught all these years. So like a bad habit we now need to become determined to rid ourselves of, not the ego, but how we have allowed it to ‘control’ us up to this point.

Thankfully I met (isn’t spirit wonderful), a lovely lady that was to become a ‘fairy’ to me and show me how to be me. Silence the mind, listen, meditate (and that in itself was so de-stressing, let alone the interesting things that I began to see and feel), and realise that this WAS all about me, so that I could understand just what it was that I travelled on this beautiful land to find. She had this amazing way of letting you trip over your own inquisitive nose… while looking for your nose. And to top it off, an Earth Spirit to boot. Did some incredible Earth Healings (and other things), that I ‘felt’ but did not understand. Many the path is taken but they are special to who and what you are. I suppose it’s like asking a Greenkeeper to fire up a Space Shuttle, not that the trusty Greenkeeper couldn’t do it, but I might be a little afraid of finding golf balls in the gas tank.

So this lady showed me many things in books and mysteries and by literally walking me through many things so that I could understand just what it was I was looking for. But in the end, as she explained to me, it would be up to me to step through the door, open my heart, find my integrity and feel the love that is always there. It’s always been up to me. Waiting until it knows I’m ready…then touch me with a little feather like understanding…an image here…or a knowing there…to which you’ll hesitate at first thinking it was your imagination…but as time goes by you begin to realise it is becoming more and more to who you are, where your heart is and how you are applying that into your life. It will coincide with your situations and how you are applying yourself within those circumstances.

This time coincided with my final decision of wanting to do something with my life and so began the trials and studies of becoming a Remedial Massage Therapist. Loved every minute of it, best decision I ever made, and as the universe knows, I was ready within and without so that all that I had learnt so far was about to come together to create something that even I hadn’t envisaged was about to happen. The massage and the ‘knowing’ was about to shake hands and begin a journey of healing that initially took me by surprise but in hindsight I realised everything was leading to this point. Many a time I’ve looked back over the years, seen this time, and understood my journey to be where I am at now. All the pieces coming together and forming something to ‘give’ from another perspective. An enhancement of individual parts by bringing them together to create something new.

Now I realised I needed to fine tune what I was slowly becoming. All that had been learned before was brilliant for taking me to this point but I now understood that this part was a very individual process as it would be with anyone. I needed to really find myself…my truth of who I was…and reach within to bring out that truth. To understand what I was…and give from that place. So I did what I felt was the correct thing to do….and asked spirit for my truth, my journey and path that I’m now on.

If you ask such a thing to spirit, and you intend to truly follow that path, then realise that spirit, with all the love in the universe, will give you what you ask for….just not quite what I expected but exactly what was needed. Over many years and with something that took a while to understand, spirit gently and with that incredible love, showed me things. Things that were shown, as I was able to absorb within, understand them and then be able to express them in writing or talking to anyone that was interested or wanted to understand their journey. Spirit urges me to pass this on, like many others do. It will go to those who are seeking their truth, their journey and the path that they follow. They will absorb only what is relevant to their path, much may mean nothing, or just a confirmation of where they have already been. But in itself you will understand that we all partake of this journey through life, feel all these things in our own way and in our own way we will gain the wisdom to bring us to that point that is our Truth and know its perfection for exactly who we are.

This page is to just give a basic understanding of my journey and how I have reached this point. As I add to this blog I will write as many of the things that I have been shown so as to give an understanding for those who would like to understand it. May it give you the blessings to enrich your journey with the love that it was given to me.

Our deepest fear……

“Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate,

Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure,

It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us,

We ask ourselves, Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous?

Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God,

Your playing small does not serve the world,

There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won’t feel insecure around you,

We are all meant to shine, as children do,

We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us,

It’s not just in some of us; it’s in everyone,

And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same,

As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others.”

(This inspiring quote by Marianne Williamson is from her book, ‘A Return To Love: Reflections on the Principles of A Course in Miracles’)

Be your Truth, and the Truth shall set you free!


107 thoughts on “About

    1. Mark Lanesbury Post author

      Thank you Sue, and a voice from the ether’s is very much appreciated dear lady. I am still floating down here but I still at least get many comments from your posts. Mind you, the one person that was very constant was Trini but even she had dropped off my connections. I had to go re-follow ‘again’ to join back in, at least her blog accepted me and didn’t outright refuse me 😀
      I am learning to be patient…plus spirit is doing ‘something’ in the background. I can feel it but don’t understand it yet. I suppose its like a baby with a toy car, look at it, appreciate the bright colors, then chew on it. After many more years I’ll actually drive it 😀
      Thank you again for dropping in, I do hope your world is a tumbling along a little better than mine 😀 ❤

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Sue Dreamwalker

        Love Trini and her poems.. though although I am a follower, I only get her updates if I see one in the reader.. I went through the follow unfollow scenario a while ago now.
        I think in our quieter moments, Spirit are always working in the background ready to spring some surprise lol.. That will just fit perfectly when all the right doors are open and in place..
        The Energies of the Universe are shifting rapidly now, and more soon will be revealed that maybe wake more up from their slumbers..
        Good to know you are well.. Take care and stay Blessed my friend 🙂

        Liked by 1 person

  1. InnerDialects

    It is rare that humans feel that deep, for themselves, and more for each other. I guess our experience with pain, achieves that for us…
    your words resonate so much of that. Such a beautiful pace, your blog

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Mark Lanesbury Post author

      Yes that pain does do the one thing that we need to see…our love. Nothing else can achieve that, there must be black and white in everything or we cannot understand what it is we feel.
      And my words are the words from my higher self, I have found that balance in understanding my fears and allowing myself to let them go and allow it to come through. And because of my journey I can see from what those fears were built. It gives an appreciation of what we have endured and an understanding that they have great purpose, even to the point of now being able to ‘see’ those actions in everyone else.
      We literally become a new person when we finally understand and let them go, even to the point of walking, talking and chewing gum in a completely different way, simply because those fears keep us ‘on guard’ in all that we do because it is ‘locked in’ from childhood by the time we are about 7 or 8 years old. And I mean that literally as in, our posture, the way we speak, even the way we express ourselves emotionally are built on those fears. Yes we are an original individual and all brought up differently, but inside and out is what we are building. It just happens to be built on a flaw…but a very beautiful one, one that will take us to that place called perfection. The Masters always placed a piece of imperfection in all their creations and God is no different. His world is built on conditions so that we have somewhere to go, to reach that unconditional love that we all seek.
      You will be amazed at the changes, within and without as we go through this change. Even seeing a butterfly landing on a flower takes on an appreciation that this world before would never allow, too much zoom, zoom because we feel we ‘have to’ this and ‘have to’ that because of those fears. Once let go the peace that descends is a magic all its own ❤

      Liked by 1 person

      1. InnerDialects

        Mark, I dont know how I missed this one. Its been a hectic few days here, personal as well as with the floods going on. But this is such a profound profound post, I have to chew on words here. There’s so many things you just said, I’m going to have place your comment in a Post,” Beautiful Flaw” May I? Thank you so very much. Cant take this in, in one little bite. Amazing, you’re blest!

        Liked by 2 people

        1. Mark Lanesbury Post author

          You most certainly have my blessing to use that comment dear lady. And sometimes we do hear something that ‘touches’ us in the most simplest of settings but give a sound as clear as crystal…like it has been waiting for us 😀

          Liked by 1 person

    1. Mark Lanesbury Post author

      Thank you kind lady, our journey does in fact do just that…challenge, inspire and finally allow us to hold a love that we have sought for many years, not realising it has always been waiting inside for us to slow down and see it ❤
      And many thanks for your compliment, it has taken many years to finally 'see' and spirit asked me to share so that others may relate to it in their own way and light their journey a little with a cheer or two from the sidelines 😀

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Jamie Dedes

    Hi, Mark! I’m preparing this Tuesday’s post in response to last Wednesday’s Writing Prompt. You responded with this link: https://healingyourheartfromwithin.wordpress.com/2016/12/30/the-waters-of-life/

    Fine work.

    Usually when it is a poet/writer’s first time as part of this weekly event, I request a short bio and a photo if they are comfortable sharing one and between one thing and another I’m behind this week. Nonetheless, I don’t want to leave you out.. I’m going to use the short version here and your Avatar …. at least for the moment. Hope that works for you. I can always take it down if not or you can send me something else. thepoetbyday@gmail.com

    The post will go up at 12:01 a.m. PST.

    Poets are fully credited and a link to their sites are included.

    Thank you for coming out to play. I appreciate your participation and am pleased to encounter your work and blog.

    Jamie Dedes

    Liked by 3 people

    1. Mark Lanesbury Post author

      Thank you Jamie, I appreciate your reply to my poem. If you wish you can use a link to my ‘About’ post here if you like for a bio, it has a short and long version of me. Otherwise I’m happy to just go with what you have suggested.
      Again my thanks for posting my poem, and a participation in your playground 😀

      Liked by 2 people

    1. Mark Lanesbury Post author

      Hi David. Isn’t the synchronicities of life amazing, I’m just this minute about to send a post on compassion to Barbara Franken at Me, My Magnificent Self , and I will be posting the same post on my site with a picture so people will finally ‘know’ the voice. With much love also, from the ‘seeker’ in us all 😀

      Liked by 1 person

  3. Denzil - Life Sentences

    I am fascinated by your posts and your journey Mark. I appreciate your openness and transparency. I think the “noise of the ego” is very insightful. Looking forward to following you on your continuing journey.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Mark Lanesbury Post author

      Thank you Denzil, it is an incredible journey. For me the most amazing part is in ‘seeing’ the many things under the surface that guide us. It takes many years of the ‘ego’ to finally realise that it is in understanding ‘it’, that we break through our fears and find that love and happiness we have sought all our lives.
      Beautifully constructed, even though at times it feels like the ends of the earth, it is needed so that we appreciate how hard it was to reach that final understanding within, and in realising it, begin to love ourselves unconditionally, the one thing that it all keeps at bay with those ‘conditions’.
      Thank you for sharing, may your journey find that truth and beauty as well 😀

      Liked by 2 people

    1. Mark Lanesbury Post author

      Thank you kindly Misifusa. Our journeys are an amazing thing. Difficult, hard and painful, interspersed with much beauty to finally find the real magic within, an unconditional love that will take our breath away 😀
      Thank you for visiting and sharing a comment 😀
      I’ve followed your links and most seem to go to an old site thepresentsofpresence.wordpress.com rather than your misifusa.wordpress.com…which I will follow 😀 ❤


  4. D. Wallace Peach

    Loved this description of your journey, Mark, and gradual surrender of fear for love. I have found as I age that the paralyzing fear most of us wrestle with and that prevents us from realizing our potentials has a terrible roar but is no larger than a mouse. I followed/follow a similar path, perhaps with a bit less grace than you describe (lol), but I’m enjoying the travels nonetheless. There are times when fear is unavoidable and times when it keeps us safe, but more often than not it’s simply clogging up the flow of love, happiness, laughter, and compassion. Have a flowing, joyful day ❤

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Mark Lanesbury Post author

      Thank you Diana. I’m not sure that I ‘graced’ my journey too well, more like a hippo in a pond. But thankfully, underneath it all, it all has purpose for each and every one of us…even the mice come in different sizes. I suppose it depends on how good a builder of fears we are, those conditions we place on ourselves 😀
      Eventually the unconditional love inside breaks through, in the understanding and releasing of those fears, and we are free.
      May your journey know that understanding in your travels…whether by foot or by pen 😀 Have a great day too! 😀 ❤

      Liked by 1 person

  5. emeraldwake

    Hello,You know i find You ,i was looking friends and i find Your blog ,very wise and creative ,if You have some free time please take a look on mine ,i stay in silence and i dont want to die like these ,Bless

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Mark Lanesbury Post author

      Thank you for the visit my friend, and your words. I was very surprised to find such beauty back at your site, the photography is very lovely and wrapped by a ‘touch’ from the heart.
      Thank you for sharing 😀

      Liked by 1 person

  6. Singledust

    thank you for sharing your heart Mark, that was very private and full of every emotion that you had to feel to get to to today and live in the you, whom you have come to know. Seldom have I come across such openness about the difficult side to our personality that doesn’t involve another person, just us, knowing ourselves and reacquainting with our own self after we have been through other people’s expectation and branding of us. Your writing will surely help others as it has me better understand the chaos that goes on within us……..my favourite line………….”The first thing I did was, get out of my own way.”………..i have been my own worst enemy….not to sound cliched but yes i think i never knew who the real me until recently when i let all the things around me just be and got to know me. Hope this isnt too much of a ramble, your words touch my spirit so gently yet with much truth….Gina

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Mark Lanesbury Post author

      Thank you Gina. And a truth is definitely not a ramble, it is speaking from your heart.
      As I have done after going through much turmoil many years ago, I decided the only thing that had ‘worth’ in my life was healing, as all else was driven by this world and my fears within it. So I asked spirit what was my truth…guide me!
      Well, didn’t that set the cat among the pidgeon’s :)…but it was the most perfect thing to begin to truly ‘see’ who I really was, and the things that did have importance in my life.
      And to be a true healer, I was urged to put pen to paper (well, blog anyway 🙂 ), and express that truth I had discovered along the way, and really tell it like it was or no one would relate to it.
      And that was the main function of experiencing so much, it allowed me to ‘see’ my fears and pain in life, understand what drove them, and in that understanding I could release them.
      It was then, as each thing was let go, I could ‘see’ what resides within us all. It is a beauty and freedom like nothing else, and can only be found by removing those walls we put up to protect us from those very same fears.
      Thank you for sharing Gina, may you ‘see’ in understanding from your journey, it is a light like no other 🙂


    1. Mark Lanesbury Post author

      It was an amazing journey Paras. And that is why I write this blog now, to at least give hints to those that follow.
      And I found that none can understand until they ‘do’ touch those places within and then truly understand.
      It is like anything else in this world, if you do anything hard (like starting a new job), we are unsure, hesitant and even afraid of whether we can do it. But after a while it becomes second nature and it no longer holds us in those patterns.
      Well, our fears do the same, and they always control all that we do, as we are always ‘on guard’ in case it comes up expectantly. But as time goes by we are finally cornered by life to face those very fears…and it is the making of us, even though a very painful experience, it will do the one thing that we have been looking for all our lives…that happiness we have always sought. And it will be found because we will break through a lifetime of not loving ourselves (the fear, it is a wall we build), and finally accept ourselves totally…no more negativity or low self worth for miles.
      And the change will be like a miracle…because it is 🙂
      Enjoy the journey Paras, it will show you how to find unconditional love…what you are holding inside, but will only be reached by being loving to yourself and letting go all the walls in life.
      Trust me, you will then look back at the words of Rumi and ‘see’ the truth that has always been there ❤

      Liked by 1 person

  7. anxietysupportweb

    Hi Mark, thanks for sharing your story. It’s really inspiring and nice to know there are other men who have had emotional turmoil and have overcome their problems. I really appreciate you sharing your story. Thank you and God bless.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Mark Lanesbury Post author

      My pleasure Joel, it was a big journey, and I even found writing on here was a healing within itself.
      Most men just bottle it up, because that is what we learned, that it wasn’t ‘manly’ to express things out loud. We were meant to be tough etc.
      But it isn’t until we can express things, that we actually ‘hear’ ourselves and what it means to us as we go through the many ups and downs, just like everyone else, male or female.
      Here is a link to one of my posts that may be of help for you or others in the middle of the crazy anxiety that goes with these big parts of our lives, it gave me such a boost to know I wasn’t going crazy, even though at times it felt like it 🙂
      The truth of an anxiety-panic attack
      Thank you for sharing Joel, may the understanding of your journey bring you blessings also 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  8. apple.e.e-s.

    A lot of things happen in life that we did not expect and we think we do not deserve. But all these happen because we need them to be who we are at present. Cheer up friend, I think your journey is one amazing story to share to the world.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Mark Lanesbury Post author

      Thank you apple.e.e-s, and yes it has great purpose this journey of tumbling and struggling through life.
      Initially I thought the world was out to get me, as I think we all do…but then I began to see the jewel within BECAUSE of that journey, and finally understood what it was all creating inside.
      Yes, difficult, but if it wasn’t we would just stagnate and this journey would no longer have purpose.
      So in my discoveries I have put pen to paper, hoping at the least it can guide others through their journey.
      Thank you for sharing kind lady, your words gratefully accepted with the love that they were given 🙂


    1. Mark Lanesbury Post author

      Thank you Sreejit (I hope that is correct 🙂 ). I have just read Leigh’s post of her journey and it is a very interesting to see her, and her thoughts, as she goes through so many levels within and without of those holding patterns in her body.
      I have recently added to a post on my death experience if it is of interest to you ‘An Experience of Death!’ on my home page.
      I look forward to reading at your site further, and hopefully share in that journey 🙂 Thank you!

      Liked by 1 person

  9. Christy Anna Beguins

    Ahhhhhh…. I am beginning to understand. I was pretty close in my initial assessment at Michelle’s. You DO have the gift of sight, mainly because you’ve been doing much seeking of your own.
    Love Marianne Williamson. 😉 Did you see the movie Akeelah and the Bee? There’s a very touching scene where the young girl reads Marianne’s passage. One of my favorites.
    I’ll be doing some reading around, don’t mind me. 🙂
    And yes, I’ve done much seeking of my own over at my “memoir” blog, RunningOnSober.com
    It’s been a heck of a journey, and I’m grateful to still be on the healing path.
    With love, Christy

    Liked by 3 people

    1. Mark Lanesbury Post author

      And your ‘sight’ is doing quite well too Christy. To ‘see’ in another you must have also been through your own journey 🙂 Much of my seeking has been achieved….with much more to go!
      No, I haven’t seen that movie, but Marianne’s words are so profound that they took pride of place on my ‘About’ page. A beautiful truth in her words Christy.
      If I may, I think I will also have a look see at your site, I think it will make for some interesting reading from a fellow traveler 🙂
      I don’t think a healing path is ever finished, but with time it does become so much easier because of the awareness that it builds.
      Thank you for sharing your words (and heart), at Michelle’s ‘Lipstick and Laundry‘, it was a profound truth and I enjoyed reading it because of that.
      With love and light, Mark


    1. Mark Lanesbury Post author

      Thank you SpiritualJourney17, it was my pleasure to touch base and see a fellow traveler.
      It is a long journey, but in hindsight, a very beautiful one.
      Your poem ‘The Perfect Friend’ is a very beautiful wisdom in itself.
      May we see and understand the blessings within it. Looking forward to more. Mark


  10. Visionkeeper

    Struggling now but trying to find my way through the fog and around the boulders in my path 🙂 Not always an easy journey but one we must all make at one time or another. Great site btw…Glad your journey turned out for the best and your heart is lighter now. Keeping my fingers crossed….Blessings…VK

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Mark Lanesbury Post author

      Thank you Visionkeeper. It is a big journey but one that gradually shows us another path, one that allows us to see another way and the truth that it means within. Once felt, the world falls away and an awareness now guides us.
      They may keep knocking on the door with their worldly goods and the fear that drives them, but our awareness no longer gives them the fear they seek, we are lost to them, and it just makes them strike out in their own fear of being left in their own loss of not connecting, no love but their money, and a realisation that they have only a very low sense of self worth by their actions of taking, taking, taking.
      And when they do come to understand this, maybe the tide will turn and they will change and become like us….but if not, they will just keep attracting what is in their hearts….fear.
      Thank you for sharing your journey, blessings and light to you also. Mark

      Liked by 1 person

  11. YesterdayAfter

    Hi Mark, I came across your path after reading your amazing words to my Blogger friend “Souldiergirl” your words to her did touched my soul deeply, that instantly at that moment I wanted to follow your Blog and I did (it was some time ago) but only today, I had the chance to read this beautiful and very inspiring About you post. I had similar journey as you went through many things in life, the same I did, always trying to find that truth…those journey forged me on the woman I become today…I still trying to find that total truth as I guess you still too 😉 I know my God’s gift I always did since I was a child I am an Artist and I am trying to put it out there and share it with the world without fears and helping others that cross my path…I would love for you to visit my Blog whenever you have chance and if you do, please leave me a line…your words are so precious and encouraging 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Mark Lanesbury Post author

      Hi Carolina, it is good to meet a fellow traveller. Our paths do interact as you said, and in each contact we become something new, daring ourselves to reach a little further and go past those fears that hold us back.
      And within that is our yearning to find that happiness and be free of those things that keep us held to those fears.
      My journey, as others do, was to find that truth within. I knew there was more so I went looking, and occasionally touched a beauty that words could never describe, and once found could never shake my confidence in what I now knew was our journey. So I asked spirit to let me heal from this place within, that truth and love that I knew was inside and the most powerful thing that is in this world. It was just a shock to realise that I could do it any time I wished. I just had to go past my own fears that were the only thing that was keeping me from doing just that. And as spirit explained, our fears are the only thing that was holding the walls up to block that amazing beauty inside. It was entirely up to us when, how and why we would step through those walls and reach the very thing that we yearned for within, all our lives. And it is perfectly balanced that way so that beauty can be felt as we go through each thing in our life. That moment when we dare to be ourselves, be confident in our journey and give from our truth.
      This usually takes place when we reach a point where we have reached rock bottom, the world for us has gone to hell in a hand basket and we feel that we can no longer go on. It is this moment that we begin to really look within to try to get past this horror that our lives have become, whether a divorce, work, relationship or a death close to us. They all take us within so that we can eventually find those things that hold us back. And they have kept us back deliberately so that when we do go past those fears we really appreciate what it took to make that journey. It is the same as when we have terrible relationships it shows us what we don’t want to be a part of so that when a beautiful relationship comes along, we REALLY appreciate this because of what we HAVE already experienced. It all has great purpose so that when we find our truth, our wisdom and that beautiful heart within, it is all held with great understanding because of what we have experienced in our lives.
      And yes, it is always an ongoing journey, but as we reach further understanding it becomes a little easier as we realise we are building that truth within, and in then giving that out, that IS what we now attract to us. Your journey, from what I have read so far on your website does resonate quite strongly with me. You do give from a beautiful place and that gift is shared from a place of empathy because of what you have experienced. That wisdom is very natural to share with others as it is always built on a love for self as you realise your journey is to bring that lovely beating heart within from behind those walls and into the light so that you can share and be a part of the unconditional love that is all around. The beautiful craft that you create radiates this love out, each piece is so beautifully put together FROM what you are from within.
      Thank you for your lovely comment, and it was beautiful to share a moment with a like minded soul. I am looking forward to sharing more. Mark xo

      Liked by 1 person

      1. YesterdayAfter

        Oh I am speachless, for the beautiful reply. Your words are so powerful and it seems like you have been through my journey with me, maybe you were there in another dimension, but you do know things or you feel things, I guess it is because you have been through the same way…that you feel that universal energy that resonate strongly between us. I am so honored by your wisdom and words and that you did take time to visit and read in between the lines of my Blog and connection with my life. I know that the spirit is here with us now and this is amazing. I have no words to thank you enough for all that you wrote here I will stay connected and will write you more in details about my experience and how I am what I am today. Thank you and you are a wonderful soul to share with – C

        Liked by 1 person

        1. Mark Lanesbury Post author

          Thank you Carolina. We are all connected by spirit and that is why we can feel another so clearly…after we go through our fears and remove those walls that we have erected to (so called) protect us from this horrible thing in our lives.
          I relate to people because of the fears AND understanding gained from that journey. I began to see my journey in others, even though their fears and circumstances were different, I began to see the path that we each take individually of which begins from those fears, and our actions are so wide and varied but always come from what we feel is a rejection of us, a denial of love which begins that journey of separation within. A path of feeling ‘not good enough’ or ‘useless’ or many other negative attributes that all come back to how we were raised, our circumstances and what we felt was aimed at us in this world. But in truth it is because we concentrate on those fears AND how we feel about ourselves, that we attract exactly that.
          The universe with all the love in the world wants our hearts wide open and loving ourselves truly. And the only way to do this is give us our fears so that we can discover that they are built on a very big misconception that we have carried with us forever, so that finally we realise this error in our thinking and we pass through what has kept us behind our walls in fear.
          And in this passing through we understand and begin to love ourselves BECAUSE of that journey. Our self doubts disappear, our hearts open and finally our confidence in who and what we are is radiated out as our truth from what we have now found within.
          We all go through this in our own way, that is why we should never judge another, even after doing some of the most horrendous things. This is their journey and our fears are not theirs or vice versa. Everything that happens on this planet has great purpose. We are always shown both sides of the coin so that we CAN know good and bad, appreciate the beauty that is within us all BECAUSE they have felt the lowest to the highest and can then empathise with an understanding heart and not an angry one that hasn’t realised their and others real worth.
          I look forward to your journey on your site. If it is anything like mine you will gain much understanding of self as you express in your writing what is your truth. So far the love in your work precedes you as it should when your heart begins to open. Mark

          Liked by 1 person

  12. bethbyrnes

    Goodness, Mark, we have a lot in common. I have been on a long spiritual quest too, after shedding my Catholic upbringing (almost, but not completely). I have read extensively and spent some time at ashrams. I will make this brief. I am glad we are fellow journeyers. I am not sure I have found my higher self, but that has been my aim for the past many decades. Great blog, beautiful graphics and ideas. Glad I ran into you!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Mark Lanesbury Post author

      Thank you kindly Beth. It has taken me some time to travel this road, as we all do, but it wasn’t until I realised that I was just treading water and didn’t have any meaning within that I started to look a little deeper. And spirit decided it was time to find me. Then Pandora’s box really opened. Great journey and at the least, kept me off the streets….sort of 🙂 Thank you for your comment. Mark


  13. thewingedwoman

    Had a weird WP moment…realized I was not seeing your posts in my Reader so I unfollowed and re-followed in an effort to correct that. I’m still learning the in’s and out’s of site admin, but knew I was missing your voice. (((hugs)))

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Mark Lanesbury Post author

      Thank you kindly thewingedwoman. I have also just been checking your site and realised I also am not receiving your posts. I will do as you did and re-follow…see if I can stir up the machinations of the WordPress server 🙂 I actually think that this has happened to a few people on my follow list as they have gone very quiet. Looking forward to catching back up 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

    1. Mark Lanesbury Post author

      Thank you Florence. Like your blog, which I found very heartfelt, was that journey that we all take. It may start in how we feel about the world around us, but eventually we realise it is what we feel within is our true guide and begin to understand that following our heart is a way of life and not a dream. Thank you for the lovely comment, and I must admit spirit urged me to click on that enquiring owl for some reason…glad that I did, I’m looking forward to hearing more from you. Namaste


  14. armyofangels2013

    Mark, you speak my language…when I read your reference to Alice in Wonderland, I was hooked! I, too, use that wonderful piece of literature to analyze my life experiences. I look forward to reading your journey!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Mark Lanesbury Post author

      Thank you armyofangels. It is an incredible journey, but once begun it becomes an odyssey of wonder. It originally feels like the world is out to get us and we are dragged to its depths. But thankfully a light goes on and we begin to realize that we are the creators of our own existence, and when we begin to forgive and really love ourselves, everything begins to change, and we become what we have hoped for since our arrival on this planet. I hope you enjoy my journey, even though it is mine, it will still knock on your door wherever it becomes relevant to you. May your odyssey be also filled with that wonder within, waiting to be understood and set you free. Namaste


    1. Mark Lanesbury Post author

      Thank you Sue, and it is my pleasure. Yes, knowing can be a little testing as I have to come to grips with it first, understand it, ‘know it’ before I can pass any wisdom on. That is why I find your site so grounding, spiritually and in your garden :), a breath of fresh air, literally. A place to enjoy for it’s beauty and truth. A ‘knowing thought’ gratefully accepted, and in return I send you blessings for growth, be it spiritually or in the ground :). Love and light, Mark xo


  15. theforestscribe

    hmmpf, just read this and had a few ‘pings’ – first time in ummmm well about 12 years………..I haven’t ever read all the way through one of your posts before – not having enough patience….and now that I found a little, I got ‘pinged’…..cool!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Mark Lanesbury Post author

      ‘Pinged?’. Is that an aha moment? 🙂 My writing can be a bit ‘out there’, but spirit in its beautiful wisdom says to just do it…so I did. Apparently I write ‘me’. So that is how it should be…apparently 🙂 Just as you are an incredible writer, and you, just do ‘you’ 🙂 Hope it was of interest, and maybe if I compromise and write a little shorter 🙂 Namaste my friend!


      1. theforestscribe

        yes to the aha moments, and your writing is ‘in there’ haha! and no dont compromise, when I’m running low on patience I know I’m moving backwards, so dont cut down your words for someone who follows their bottom!


    1. Mark Lanesbury Post author

      Thank you Barbara for your lovely comment. I do hope you enjoy my blog, as I did with reading your ‘Nelson & Hardy sketch’ on your’s! There is a middle ground in there somewhere but I’m sure the thought police will make sure it’s not easy 🙂 Looking forward to reading more. Namaste


  16. What a Heart Can Hold

    Thank you for following my blog. I just read your ABOUT and was moved by it. Spirit speaks to us in so many ways….many of which we miss, I think, until we are ready.
    I find that spirit speaks to me through nature, through the love that is exhibited in the beauty of nature. Lately, I have come to believe that those of us who are living now have been chosen to guide humanity through a transition in the way we live in relationship to the natural world. We are, I think, challenged and destined to love and protect the earth and thus to find a whole new level of divine love. I hope you enjoy reading my blog.
    Peace, love, joy!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Mark Lanesbury Post author

      Thank you, and it is my pleasure Jan, especially after reading your ‘The fire of love’ post with the quote, ‘“The day will come when, after harnessing space, the winds, the tides and gravitation, we shall harness for God the energies of love. And on that day, for the second time in the history of the world, we shall have discovered fire.” by Teilhard de Chardin, 1936, I realised I had found a gem among the love of humanity. I found you from a comment to the lovely lady Sheri, another Earthbound spirit sharing her wisdom. I’m looking forward to reading much more of your blog and the beauty of your journey. As you say, spirit speaks in so many ways, and eventually we begin to hear when we are ready and begin to understand the wisdom we then share with others. Again I thank you for your lovely comments. Love and light, Mark.


  17. eightdecades

    I thought a simple reply was needed to say hi and thank you for the visit and comment to my site. I have spent a bit of time reading “about” and several articles you posted. It is worthy of a better response and a deeper thoughtful comment than just Hi and thanks, so I will ponder a reply more than an emotional response, and return.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Mark Lanesbury Post author

      Thank you very much John. I was impressed by the candour in your story telling, but most of all the love of your ‘art’, in all it’s forms was very obvious. That you cannot hide for it completes a person in a way, like you said, that most people go to work, for you it was a blessing each day, and it shows in your writing. Thank you for the sharing of those times and the visit to my blog. Take care, Mark.


    1. Mark Lanesbury Post author

      Many thanks Otrazhenie. Thank you very much for nominating me for this Christmas Bouquet. May your Christmas also be full of love, light and blessing for you and your loved ones. Namaste


    1. Mark Lanesbury Post author

      I am flattered and I thank you very much for nominating me for this lovely award. If I am to get an award, the Dragon’s Loyalty seems to stir the blood for some reason, so I thank you from within. I’ve always read the dragon tales and loved them for some reason. Maybe I was once a dragon rider 🙂

      Love and light for thinking of me Susan. Many blessings for you and family for the Christmas period and the love it entails. Namaste


    1. Mark Lanesbury Post author

      Than you Susan! It was an incredible journey, but oh so priceless. My urge to ‘know’ within opened many things, and looking back on it now I am amazed at just how much we are a part of this ‘perfection’ that is our lives. The wobbly bits are very much needed to teach us, and show us our paths. I began to see connections everywhere to a point that for each bug I killed or plant I pulled out was a destruction of myself. Don’t get me wrong, as I walk across a field that will happen, but it is in the attitude and integrity that I take into this journey that makes all the difference. Thank you again for your comment. Namaste


      1. E.D.

        i think we are all on a journey.. one of the things i would suggest – can you break up your text a little. Make it easier on the eyes… 🙂 ~ Mark, You would not like to hear the comments the wordpress lady said aobut mine. was nasty, nasty, nasty.. Anyway I took some advice from others, and changed the text on my blog to plain,… hah! no more dropped shadows, or childish stuff…. eve

        Liked by 1 person

        1. Mark Lanesbury Post author

          Yes, I get a bit carried away in my writing and tend to do big blocks and it is hard to read. I will remind myself for future posts. And I think I’m using plain text…I’ll look into that, thank you eve. Namaste


  18. Maria M

    This made me cry and smile. I too visited a lady of spirits (I call it vision) who told me so much about my life and those who surround me, both good and bad but emphasis was put on love and the circle about me. Since then I’ve changed, I’m no longer a victim but live as before to help others but with one difference, now I’m learning to love me (warts and all).

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Mark Lanesbury Post author

      That’s great that you now love you, and no longer take the victim role on. It is an important part of your journey to feel that victim role so that when that understanding comes you can see it for what it is and let it go. It is a big part of your life to release something like that so be proud of your understanding. It is beautiful to see that you can now love your ‘warts and all’ as that understanding is the beginning of your path to understand that unconditional love within. May your path always be one of self love, integrity and a realisation of your spirit within. Namaste


        1. Mark Lanesbury Post author

          My pleasure. And thank you. Once the understanding of self begins, it becomes second nature to give from a place of smiles, love and kindness because you come to terms with who you are. The duality of thinking there is you the ego, and your spirit within are no longer at odds with each other. You realise your spirit within is there specifically to help and love you unconditionally, so you begin to feel that love, and love you right back. You begin a relationship with yourself, but this relationship has none of the upsets like you normally go through because it will not have any fears associated with it. You will trust it totally because it IS you, and YOU can’t treat yourself badly in any way. You can make mistakes but you will realise these are done for your learning. And especially the process of learning to trust yourself within. May that journey give you the peace and understanding of that truth within. Have a great day too. Namaste


    1. Mark Lanesbury Post author

      Ok, I’m ‘it’. Meaning it’s up to me to do something. I bags accepting that award, writing a post, and getting into as much trouble as I can next weekend (not this weekend), from a visitor who rang me last night to ‘see’ if I was available 🙂 All shall say no more 🙂


    1. Mark Lanesbury Post author

      My pleasure Julie, and I am also glad to have met you, your posts are very ‘enlightening’ to say the least. I enjoy following your journey through life that always has a smile and much empathy. Looking forward to much more 🙂


    1. Mark Lanesbury Post author

      The pleasure is mine. I have also only just read your about page. Incredible, and you say this is written from a place of fear and low confidence. The beauty and the love that I feel from your words you have little to worry about. Be proud of your work as it is doing the one thing that most others find very hard. And that is loving yourself. You are looking within, giving and expressing it beautifully. I will most definitely be back to be touched by the love that you share. Thank you. Namaste


    1. Mark Lanesbury Post author

      Hi Ericka, glad you were able to resonate with my journey. I found your blog to be both a pleasure to read and very enlightening as well. The ‘lists’ were great reading. Such wisdom and the fact that they bring a smile makes it so worthwhile. May your journey always have both of those. I look forward to reading more. Namaste


      1. proverbsway

        The quote I wrote today was inspired by you and your blog, Mark. At the end of the post, I was sure to give you credit. That Marianne Williamson quote spoke to me in a big, BIG way today. I absolutely love your blog and I look forward to reading more inspiring words.

        Liked by 1 person

        1. Mark Lanesbury Post author

          Thank you very much Ericka, and thank you for the link. Those words of Marianne Williamson are very beautiful and I’m glad that they ‘spoke’ to you within. They resonate with everyone that read them. An amazing lady, God has us working in so many ways. And you also, as the many words and sayings on your site are very inspiring and wise as well. Keep up the good work. Namaste


  19. Sara Ann

    Mark, wow thanks so much for all the love! Glad I stopped by to see what you were doing over here. My delight to have stumbled to your about page and seen one of my FAVORITE quotes from Marianne Williamson. LOVE love love. Can’t wait to read more. Namaste

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Mark Lanesbury Post author

      Thank you Sara, and I have just done the same. Your site is an amazing expression of who you are. I have read some of your beautiful posts and will be back for more. It is lovely to see someone being open and giving from that place of transformation so that others may understand. May your day be filled with that love. Namaste


  20. dcardiff

    Hi Mark, this is so similar to my own life journey. I have a tremendous respect for Remedial Massage Therapists. I was attended by one for more than a year, due to a car accident and spinal injury. Your words are very inspiring. I will come back often to read your posts. ~ Dennis

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Mark Lanesbury Post author

      Thanks Dennis, on hindsight we realise our journeys are exactly what are needed for us (at the time we go through them we want to be any other place but there), and helps us to become the people that we now are. I’ve been reading your blog for some time now and find it very inspiring as well, and especially the way you express the lives of the homeless. Most people would donate ten or twenty dollars and walk off and forget about it but it takes a special person to take it to another level and give from within. Keep up the good work.



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